Track Alignment

How do I know if my excavator sprocket needs replacing?

how do i know if my excavator sprocket needs replacing

Knowing when your excavator sprocket needs replacing can save you from costly repairs and ensure your machine runs smoothly. So, how do you tell if it’s time to bid your old sprocket farewell? Let’s break it down in a way that makes sense, keeps it fun, and gets you back on track (pun intended). First … Read more

What is the benefit of excavator idler gear?

what is the benefit of idler gear

The idler gear! It might not be the glitziest component in an excavator’s undercarriage, but trust me when I say it’s a powerhouse of performance—like the dependable sidekick in a buddy cop movie, always ready to support the hero (your excavator) on its quest for earth-moving glory. So, what exactly are the benefits of having … Read more

Model T190 Bobcat excavator should replace what heavy wheel?

model t190 bobcat excavator should replace what heavy wheel? 1

When it comes to maintaining your Bobcat T190 excavator, one crucial component that often requires attention is the heavy wheel, specifically the bottom roller or track roller. These parts are essential for the smooth operation of your excavator’s tracks, ensuring proper traction and stability. If you’re considering a replacement, here’s what you need to know. … Read more

What is the difference between a track roller and a carrier roller?


The terms “track roller” and “carrier roller” refer to components of the undercarriage system in tracked machinery such as excavators, bulldozers, and other heavy equipment. Each plays a unique role in the movement and stability of the machine. Here’s an in-depth look at the differences between the two: Track Roller (Bottom Roller) Function Placement Design … Read more

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